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17 Oct : 23:30

dave#7076 on discord if you need a working link
17 Oct : 23:23

Website back from the (briefly) dead, get on discord if you havnt been here a while....thats my 2022 post done i guess <8
01 Nov : 00:26

Happy Halloween 2021! Well yesterday anyway...
15 Jul : 20:27

How is this website still going?! Haven't used the email I think I would have registered with this for over a decade yet this site's still here. Amazing. Talon
13 Jun : 19:48

Haha, you legends.
13 Jun : 16:21

2020 wassup!

we outta corona lockdown soon...
06 Jul : 21:00

Kingy - done
06 Jul : 20:53

06 Jul : 20:46

WTF is this LOL! Why are there new chatbox posts!
19 Jun : 13:46

17 Mar : 20:02

Who's the admin? Can we get horny_sami reinstated on the members list? =D

02 Feb : 03:38

the yearly chatbox post!
05 Jan : 15:27

Miss these days man, coming on here daily!
12 Nov : 15:40

shout out to maisieeeeeeeeee
13 Oct : 23:17

never die.
original hopper
19 Feb : 16:46

What's up my fellow clanbums anyone remember me and how comes im not on the clanbum member list pretty damn upset tbh
15 Oct : 11:50

30 May : 22:28

reminds me of the college days! ppl remember me
17 Apr : 13:17

what is everyone up to now?

I have finished uni and working now. The last time I played CS I was still in school haha
30 Mar : 22:39

Continuing the 1 post per year tradition

tablerender(strftime("%B %Y", $display_date), mini_calendar(mktime(0, 0, 0, date(n, $display_date), 1, date(y, $display_date)))); ?>
ClanBUM -> Forums -> Counter-Strike / Half-Life
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 Config / Rates

Moderators: Rascal, Bungle, MiG, Brendakov, Reef.
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Mon Sep 06 2004, 01:37AM Quote
Registered Member #232
Joined: Mon Jul 05 2004, 01:46AM
posts 74
indeed ^^

Im Doing 100 On The Highway, So If You Do the Speedlimit Get The Fuck Out Of My Way
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Mon Sep 06 2004, 07:48PM Quote

Registered Member #3
Joined: Tue Jan 06 2004, 09:18PM
Location: Lincolnshire, yaaaar
posts 348
yes i am the only prick that hacks, but what you dont realise is that JAPS hack on PUBLIC SERVERS as well as private so stfu fool! i aint gettin no plane...if you have anything against 1 hacker u have something against them all. and im not the only 1 thats come on hacking, so i'd stfu if i were you. ill mention names if it comes to it. and i cba to read all ur post cos im a prick. gnite.

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Mon Sep 06 2004, 09:42PM Quote
Registered Member #186
Joined: Thu Apr 22 2004, 09:24PM
Location: Essex
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lmao tbh...wen does this speech come out on tv?

i didnt say u were the only hacker in the world. hense y i said "btw i have nothing against u personally"

cba to look at this thread again its pointless n gone totally off subject so feel free to post all the shit u wish about me
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Tue Sep 07 2004, 06:21AM Quote
Registered Member #186
Joined: Thu Apr 22 2004, 09:24PM
Location: Essex
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Rascal i remember you sayin somethink back in one of the posts about how are they measured and what are they measured in etc.. iv found a linkk thats written by enemy down that explains all. here ya go hope it helps. explained it a bit betta for me
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Tue Sep 07 2004, 02:06PM Quote

Location: UK
posts 540
ok....using the formulae in that link, I have established the following...lets start with an adsl connection 512 down 256 up.

ADSL linespeed in Kilobytes per second

512kb/s / 8 = 64kB/s (bits to bytes conversion)

So 63kB/s is the maximum kB/s 512 ADSL can transfer.

Bonded ISDN (128) linespeed in Kilobytes per second

128kb/s / 8 = 16kB/s (bits to bytes conversion)

So 16kB/s is the maximum kB/s 128k ISDN can transfer.

Bytes per second used by the cl_rate 25000

25000 /1024 = 24.4140625kB/s (bytes to kilobytes)

So you will attempt to receive updates at 24.4kB/s

More Definitions

cl_cmdrate defines how many updates per second you send to the server (100)

With the default cl_rate of 9999, you are sending 99.99 bytes of data upstream to the server, if the cl_cmdrate is 100. (9999 / 100 = 99.99) or...about 12.5kB/s


With the following settings...

cl_rate 25000
cl_updaterate 100
cl_cmdrate 100

You need 24.4kB/s + 12.5kB/s = 36.9kB/s free.
(It will actually be more as cl_rate at 25000 will increase the kB/s you send too)
So essentially, 512 ADSL could support 2 players at 'default' rates and 1 of the cl_rate is set to design. (I'm not saying its not possible for 2 ppl).

Now, since im on 128k, there is no way I can use those settings as the linespeed simply cannot transfer at that kB/s miles.

So, if I take for example...
cl_rate 5000
cl_updaterate 100
cl_cmdrate 100

I use
5000 /1024 = 4.88kB/s (bytes to kilobytes) sending and (5000 /100) /8 = 6.25kB/s recieving

A total of 11.13kB/s of my total 16kB/s that the line can theoretically support.

So, the long and short of it is...using the 'cs default' settings that I have, I actually send and receive at a more demanding rate than you guys do on adsl....and its impossible to raise it higher without experiencing choke and loss.

Choke and loss are related to the success or failure of transfering data at the rates specified in config.

My conclusion then...

1. I'm not changing my 'default' config to a custom setting.
2. I'll challenge anyone who disagrees with me...and win, because I understand it better than you.
3. You have nothing to complain about because my config more than matches my linespeed.
4. Valve should never have made these settings user configurable, they should have been fixed relating to selected linespeed (essentially what I've done by leaving these values out of config - therefor using cs default for the linespeed)
5. My maths isnt perfect so I might have made mistakes. Check it if you like. I will correct any calculations I've got wrong...and btw, I've rounded to 1 or 2 decimal places for some calculations.


"They'll be sorry. They'll be sorry if I die - except that I can't. Whatever you do it ends up raining. What's it all for? What's the point of it all? And if it hasn't got a point, what's the point of that?" - Monkey

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Tue Sep 07 2004, 06:19PM Quote

Registered Member #3
Joined: Tue Jan 06 2004, 09:18PM
Location: Lincolnshire, yaaaar
posts 348
so it ends now, so i will jus say...

Dear Riot...

That is all
[ Edited Tue Sep 07 2004, 07:20PM ]

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Tue Sep 07 2004, 08:45PM Quote

Joined: Wed Jan 07 2004, 09:17PM
Location: Right up inside you boy!
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Tue Sep 07 2004, 09:30PM Quote
Registered Member #232
Joined: Mon Jul 05 2004, 01:46AM
posts 74
hmmm i guess i should change my rates from 25000 , 101 , 101 cause according to that im making it worse for myself on 300k???

Im Doing 100 On The Highway, So If You Do the Speedlimit Get The Fuck Out Of My Way
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Wed Sep 08 2004, 12:05AM Quote

Location: UK
posts 540
no u get away with it, coz 300k is 37.5kB/s its rare it will use the 36.9kB/s it theoretically needs. That would only happen on a packed server on a huge map with everyone shooting etc...

"They'll be sorry. They'll be sorry if I die - except that I can't. Whatever you do it ends up raining. What's it all for? What's the point of it all? And if it hasn't got a point, what's the point of that?" - Monkey

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Wed Sep 08 2004, 04:09PM Quote

Registered Member #180
Joined: Sun Apr 18 2004, 07:47PM
posts 273
might as well drop the 25k to 20k tim, wont make much difference

good work btw ras,

Lifes a bitch, F*Ck it hard
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Thu Sep 09 2004, 12:20AM Quote
Registered Member #232
Joined: Mon Jul 05 2004, 01:46AM
posts 74
k thanks ras and tal

Im Doing 100 On The Highway, So If You Do the Speedlimit Get The Fuck Out Of My Way
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